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ENV variables

The configuration is defined in the .env file at the root of the project.

On this page, we will list all the variables with their default values and a description of their usage.


Never remove this file or any of the variables below. You can only modify the values of the variables to customize the configuration of the API.

General configuration

The name of the project, used for API documentation.

PROJECT_NAME="Wordcab Transcribe"

The version of the project, used for API documentation.


The description of the project, used for API documentation.

DESCRIPTION="💬 ASR FastAPI server using faster-whisper and Auto-Tuning Spectral Clustering for diarization."

This API prefix is used for all endpoints in the API outside of the status and cortex endpoints.


Debug mode for the API, used to control the API authentication. Set to True to disable authentication and enable debug mode.


Models configuration

The models configuration is divided between the transcription and diarization models.

Transcription models

The whisper_model parameter is used to control the model used for transcription.

  • Cloud models:

The available models are: tiny, tiny.en, base, base.en, small, small.en, medium, medium.en, large-v1, or large-v2 You can try different model size, but you should see a trade-off between performance and speed.

  • Local models:

You can also link a local folder path to use a custom model. If you do so, you should also mount the folder in the docker run command as a volume.

e.g. WHISPER_MODEL="/app/models/custom"

docker cmd: -v /path/to/custom/model:/app/models/custom


The compute_type parameter is used to control the precision of the model. You can choose between: "int8", "int8_float16", "int8_bfloat16", "int16", "float_16", "bfloat16", "float32".

The default value is "float16".


The extra_languages parameter is used to control the languages that need an extra model to be loaded. You can specify multiple languages separated by a comma. The available languages are:

  • he (Hebrew).
  • th (Thai).


Diarization models

In a MSDD (Multiscale Diarization Decoder) model, the diarization model is trained on multiple window lengths. The window_lengths are specified in seconds, and separated by a comma. If not specified, the default value will be "1.5, 1.25, 1.0, 0.75, 0.5".


The shift_lengths are specified in seconds, and separated by a comma. If not specified, the default value will be "0.75, 0.625, 0.5, 0.375, 0.25".


The multiscale_weights are float values separated by a comma. If not specified, the default value will be "1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0".


ASR type configuration

The asr_type parameter is used to control the type of ASR used. The available options are: async or live.

  • async is the default option. It will process the audio files in batches, and return the results when all the files are processed.
  • live is the option to use when you want to process a live audio stream. It will process the audio in chunks, and return the results as soon as they are available. Live option is still a feature in development.
  • only_transcription is used to deploy a single transcription server. This option is used when you want to deploy each service in a separate server.
  • only_diarization is used to deploy a single diarization server. This option is used when you want to deploy each service in a separate server. Use live only if you need live results, otherwise, use async.


Endpoints configuration

Include the cortex endpoint in the API. This endpoint is used to process audio files from the Cortex API. Use this only if you deploy the API using Cortex and Kubernetes.


API authentication configuration

The API authentication is used to control the access to the API endpoints. It's activated only when the debug mode is set to False.

The username and password are the credentials used to authenticate with the API.

USERNAME="admin" PASSWORD="admin"

This openssl_key parameter is used to control the key used to encrypt the access tokens. You should absolutely change this value before deploying the API in production.

OPENSSL_KEY="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz" <--- CHANGE ABSOLUTELY THIS VALUE

This openssl_algorithm parameter is used to control the algorithm used to encrypt the access tokens. You should in most case not change this value.


The access_token_expire_minutes parameter is used to control the expiration time of the access tokens. You can modify it, it's not a critical parameter. Note that this parameter is in minutes.


CORTEX configuration

At Wordcab, we are using Cortex to deploy the API in production. You probably don't need to change these values.

The cortex_api_key parameter is used to control the API key used to authenticate the requests to the cortex endpoint.


SVIX configuration

The svix_api_key parameter is used in the cortex implementation to enable webhooks.


The svix_app_id parameter is used in the cortex implementation to enable webhooks.


Remote servers configuration

The remote servers configuration is used to control the number of servers used to process the requests if you don't want to group all the services in one server.


Check the Execution Modes page to learn more about the different execution modes.

The transcribe_server_urls parameter is used to control the URLs of the servers used to process the requests. Each url should be separated by a comma and have this format: "host:port".



The diarize_server_urls parameter is used to control the URLs of the servers used to process the requests. Each url should be separated by a comma and have this format: "host:port". e.g. DIARIZE_SERVER_URLS=","


Last update: 2023-10-12
Created: 2023-10-12